I’m a sucker for just about everything I’ve heard come out of Australia lately. Names like Ta-Ku and Flume certainly set a precedent but it seems there is no shortage of this type of creative, beach-influenced sound. Even Will Sparks, who we has the chance to interview and see last week courtesy of The Oxford Group, brings such an amazing vibe that you just don’t get with the million of DJ’s that come out of Holland and the rest of Europe. A personal favorite of mine is Paces, who I’ve talked about countless times on this blog and I’d go as far as to say he’s one of my favorite producers at the moment. After Yahtzel‘s latest release, I may have cause to add him to the list soon enough. “High With Me” is just the kind of song that’s best appreciated with an open mind and a well-rounded pair of speakers. The intricacies lie in the syncopated string line, ambient sounds and, of course, some pitched up some vocal samples. Go on, get high with Yahtzel. Pick up the free download and give Yahtzel a follow on his SoundClound.